Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher
This page has a list of website and apps across all grades and subjects in mathematics. Each resource listed has a picture of the logo and a brief description. You will find websites and applications that were already listed in a different section of this website plus many more!

Geogebra is a tool that can be used in geometry. It allows the students to construct their own figures. They can find the angles, radius measures, side lengths, etc. It can also be used as a graphing calculator.

The Geometer's Sketchpad is a downloadable software that is an interactive geometry software program. It allows students to construct figures online. It also allows for angles, radius measures, etc to be found. This software also allows students to animate their figures to show symmetry, intersections, and much more.

Desmos Geometry is a free online tool that can be used in geometry. It allows the students to construct their own figures. They can find the angles, radius measures, side lengths, etc. It can also be used as a graphing calculator.

This website has multiple sources for geometry. It includes games, activities, worksheets, tutorials, and books. This is a great resource for teachers to find supplemental activities for students to complete to strengthen their understanding. This is a good resource for students who are struggling to find extra practice to get a deeper knowledge of geometry concepts.

Geoboards are used to explore basic concepts in plane geometry such as perimeter, area and the characteristics of triangles and other polygons. It consists of a board with a certain number of pegs or nails half driven in. Bands can be used to create shapes.

This website was created by a mathematician Jeremy Balka. He has his Ph.D. in statistics. He creates videos about different aspects of statistics, such as discrete random variables, continuous random variables, and much more! The videos are easy to understand, and Dr. Balka creates examples that relate to the real-world. He then solves them step by step with explanations.
This website has online tutorials for everything from basic probability to AP Statistics. Each area has an online video, definitions, theorems, and example problems solved step by step with explanations. This is a great resource for teachers to find informational videos, and examples they can do with students. This is also a good website to assigned flipped classroom homework to either preview or review statistics material.


This website is a great resource for math teachers who teach statistics. It has assessments, technologies, and lesson plans for any grade level. When you select a specific grade level, journals, activities, and lesson plans that show up for that specific grade range. Statisticsteacher.org is affiliated with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).
Microsoft Excel is a computational software that allows the user to create spreadsheets, create graphs, and calculate statistics. When given a set of data, students can create a spread sheet. They can then have the software compute different statistics such as mean, median, p-values, test statistics, and more!

SAS is a statistical software that allows the user to compute standard deviations, test statistics, p-values, means, and much more! This software requires the user to code a program in order to find statistics. In Pennsylvania, math teachers are able to teach computer classes. This is a great way to combine math and coding!

This website has various interactive activities for students to do. It was created by The University of Colorado Boulder. The subjects these cover include general math, algebra, geometry, calculus, and much more! There are two options for the type of math simulations to be done; math concepts and math applications. This is a great way for students to visualize and interact with math!
Using Algebra Touch on their own, students should learn the basic steps of algebraic equations. But the app can also reinforce skills such as following visual directions, applying information students have learned in class, and identifying strengths and weaknesses in their understanding of algebra subtopics.

"eMathInstruction is a collection of courses mostly focusing on geometry and algebra, with some newer content aimed at students in grades 6-8 building fundamental math skills. The lessons (some including videos) allow teachers to supplement their classroom lessons and, in some cases, even flip the classroom [...] All the materials are linked to Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and teachers can easily see how to incorporate the materials into their math lessons."

Desmos is an online software and app that allows the user to write in equations, then graph the lines. This calculator will be a great resource to help students visualize where graphs intersect. Once they learn to find the intersecting point(s) by hand, students can check their answer and see the lines.

IXL is an website that is based around "personalized learning." There are resources and lessons on this website for grades K-12. This software's lessons are interactive and provide immediate feedback for the questions asked. It covers topics at the secondary level from ratios all the way up to calculus!

WolframAlpha is a computational software that can be accessed via website or app. It allows the user to input any equation, then it will solve and provide an answer. This is great for the calculus classroom! After students calculate integrals by hand, they can then turn to WolframAlpha. They can check their answer, and visually see a 3D graph of the integral.

NCTM is a great resource for math teachers! There are many different activities, worksheets, etc. that teachers can access and use for their lessons! Subject areas on this website span everything for general math to AP calculus! To view their website, click the link below!

Patrick JMT (Just Math Tutorials) is a great website for teachers and students! He has lessons and examples from algebra all the way up to differential equations. While he covers many math subject areas, the most resources are for Trigonometry. There are a total of 159 links revolving around trigonometric concepts such as the law of sine, law of cosine, etc. To view more on this website, click the link below!

Khan Academy is available as both a website and an app. This is a resource that has interactive lessons for all topics in math! This website has videos that are easy to follow, and show many examples step by step with explanations. Along with videos, there are questions that the user is asked to answer, and immediate feedback is provided. To explore this resource, click on the link below!