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Junior High School Resources


Book: Essential Mathematics With Applications


ISBN: 0-618-50306-4



This book covers topics from the basic concepts of whole numbers to applications for business and consumers. This book details how math can be used outside of the classroom. It walks teachers and students through the processes and gives examples. The examples build upon themselves. They start as basic "plug and chug" examples to word problems that need to be set up and then solved. The example that is on the left is on percents. This is great for the middle school classroom. It explains how to compute percents, but then gives real life examples such as how much of a monthly income gets put towards a house payment. This not only is good practice for students, but it also gets them thinking about money management for the future.

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Book: Common Core Math Grade 7

           Common Core Math Grade 8


ISBN: 978-0997994858




"This workbook is designed to give lots of practice with the math Common Core State Standards (CCSS). By practicing and mastering this entire workbook, your child will become very familiar and comfortable with the state math exam. [...] This workbook takes the CCSS and divides them among 20 weeks. By working on this problems on a daily basis, students will be able to (1) find any deficiencies in their understanding and/or practice of math and (2) have small successes each day that will build proficiency and confidence in their abilities."


Websites & Apps

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Desmos Graphing Calculator

Desmos is an online software and app that allows the user to write in equations, then graph the lines. This calculator will be a great resource to help students visualize where graphs intersect. Once they learn to find the intersecting point(s) by hand, students can check their answer and see the lines.

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IXL is an website that is based around "personalized learning." There are resources and lessons on this website for grades K-12. This software's lessons are interactive and provide immediate feedback for the questions asked. It covers topics at the secondary level from ratios all the way up to calculus!

For the middle school level, it covers general math concepts such as percents and algebraic concepts such as factoring. This is a great resource for teachers to review with students, or turn into a flipped classroom.

Lesson Plans & Assessments

Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Lesson

Multiplying Fractions and Rational Numbers


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Prime Climb

Prime Climb is a great game for students to review their basic operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing at the beginning of the year! It is also a great review of prime numbers for them. This game requires the players to land both of their pawns at 101. They can't go over the number 101. In order to get here from 0, players can apply any basic operation to the dice rolled. Click the link to watch the video for a full explanation!

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Fraction & Percent Circles

Fraction and percent circles are a great way for students to visualize fractions and percents. Students tend to struggle with the concept of fractions and percents. By allowing students to use these, they will be able to visually see how what a specific fraction or percent looks like. Teachers can also have students to construct their own.

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Fraction War Game

"Students take turns playing “war” using a deck of cards and a pencil to act as the fraction line. The pair of students must then decide who has the larger fraction based on the four cards played. The winner gets to keep all the cards. Player with most cards at end wins."

Review game was found at

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X-Y Plane Peg Board

This peg board can be used to help students visualize graphs. For example, when teaching students how to find the equation of a line given two points, they can "graph" the two points on the pegboard, solve for the slope, produce a formula for the line, then graph the line.

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