Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher
This page has a list of books across all grades and subjects in mathematics. Each resource listed has a picture of the cover, the ISBN (if applicable), and a brief description. You will find books that were already listed in a different section of this website plus many more!
Book: Essential Mathematics With Applications
ISBN: 0-618-50306-4
This book covers topics from the basic concepts of whole numbers to applications for business and consumers. This book details how math can be used outside of the classroom. It walks teachers and students through the processes and gives examples. The examples build upon themselves. They start as basic "plug and chug" examples to word problems that need to be set up and then solved. The example that is on the left is on percents. This is great for the middle school classroom. It explains how to compute percents, but then gives real life examples such as how much of a monthly income gets put towards a house payment. This is not only good practice for students, but it also gets them thinking about money management for the future.
Book: Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
ISBN: 07-060224-7
This book is full of formulas and tables covering topics from factoring to differential equations.While this book does not have any examples, it is a great resource for teachers to review formulas themselves, and to copy for students when first learning formulas they need. For example, there is an entire section of geometric formulas. These include both Euclidean and non-Euclidean. Some formulas that are listed are the area of regular polygons with n sides, circles, triangles circumscribed in circles, and more!
Book: Cryptology (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 1-878015-16-8
This book is a book about cryptology, which is the enciphering and deciphering of messages that stops a third party from intercepting them. The math behind cryptology is modular arithmetic. That is taking the remainders as an answer, instead of making a fraction. For example, 8 mod 6 = 2. That is because 6 goes into 8 one time, with a remainder of 2. This books explains to students how to do modular arithmetic, or clock arithmetic, and provides real life examples as to why learning them is important.
Book: Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications
ISBN: 0-87628-384-9
This book is a great resource for teachers. It has projects that take mathematical concepts and make them cross-curricular, as well as related to the real world. It has 60 projects that cover topics from algebra to statistics. Implementing these in the classroom will allow students to bridge the gap from the classroom to life outside of it.

Book: Statistics and Probability in High School
ISBN: 978-9463006231
"Statistics and probability are fascinating fields, tightly interwoven with the context of the problems which have to be modelled. The authors demonstrate how investigations and experiments provide promising teaching strategies to help high-school students acquire statistical and probabilistic literacy. [...] In each chapter, the development of a cluster of fundamental ideas is centred around a statistical study or a real-world problem that leads to statistical questions requiring data in order to be answered. The concepts developed are designed to lead to meaningful solutions rather than remain abstract entities. For each cluster of ideas, the authors review the relevant research on misconceptions and synthesise the results of research in order to support teaching of statistics and probability in high school."

Book: Statistics and Probability
ISBN: 978-1622237036
"Mark Twain’s Statistics and Probability resource book for fifth to twelfth grades provides opportunities for students to organize and interpret data. From predicting an event to conducting surveys and analyzing test scores, this resource book for math teachers helps students understand how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios."

Book: Glencoe Geometry
ISBN: 978-0076639298
"The only program that supports the Common Core State Standards throughout four-years of high school mathematics with an unmatched depth of resources and adaptive technology that helps you differentiate instruction for every student. It connects students to math content with print, digital and interactive resources. This book prepares students to meet the rigorous Common Core Standards with aligned content and focus on Standards of Mathematical Practice. It meets the needs of every student with resources that enable you to tailor your instruction at the classroom and individual level. It also assesses student mastery and achievement with dynamic, digital assessment and reporting."

Book: Must Know High School Geometry
ISBN: 978-1260454284
This textbook focuses on concepts such as triangles, triangle proofs, circles, parallel lines, parallelograms, and parallelogram proofs using triangle theorems. It provides easy to understand definitions, theorems, proofs, and constructions. There are many application questions to help students bridge the gap of what they learn in class to their life outside of the classroom.

Book: The Journey of Al & Gebra to the Land of Algebra
ISBN: 978-1929229437
"A number of algebraic concepts are illuminated in this masterfully told medieval tale featuring Al and Gebra, teenage superheroes who make algebra understandable and fun for secondary students. As the king in this story indicates, each of 14 kingdoms provides a unique problem for the superheroes to solve. Al and Gebra, in their adventures, develop strategies to solve the problems and in the process, discover algebraic concepts. Skills and concepts include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of positive and negative numbers, properties, exponents, grouping symbols and the order of operations, and linear equations."
Book: Algebra 1
ISBN: 978-1608408382
Algebra 1: A Common Core Curriculum" is a textbook that is aligned with the Common Core curriculum and standards. This book details algebraic concepts such as solving one step equations, solving systems of linear equations through various methods, and much more! The teacher edition even gives ways to differentiate instruction based on the needs to learners. The teacher editions of this textbook also suggests how to have students critically think about these concepts and relate them to the real world.
Book: Calculus of a Single Variable
ISBN: 978-0618503049
This book is designed for Advanced Placement (A.P.) students in high school. "Calculus of a Single Variable" is set up to build students knowledge of calculus logically and in order. Students will first learn about limits, derivatives, and integrals, then they will apply these to the real-world. Word problems involving each concept are written into each lesson, even though there is an entire unit dedicated to it. Students will continue into calculus with series and sequences, ending at polar coordinates and equations.
Book: Bob Miller's High School Calc for the Clueless
ISBN: 978-0071488457
This book is designed for the high school calculus student. This book is easy to read, with many real- world examples.
One person wrote "Professor Bob Miller, with more than 30 years' teaching experience, is a master at making the complex simple, and his now-classic series of Clueless study aids has helped tens of thousands understand the tough subjects. [...] (Bob Miller) presents high school calculus in a clear, humorous, and engaging way."
Book: Common Core Math Grade 7
Common Core Math Grade 8
ISBN: 978-0997994858
"This workbook is designed to give lots of practice with the math Common Core State Standards (CCSS). By practicing and mastering this entire workbook, your child will become very familiar and comfortable with the state math exam. [...] This workbook takes the CCSS and divides them among 20 weeks. By working on this problems on a daily basis, students will be able to (1) find any deficiencies in their understanding and/or practice of math and (2) have small successes each day that will build proficiency and confidence in their abilities."

Book: Math Common Core 8th Grade
"The Common Core State Standards for
mathematics are a set of expectations and
skills that students need to master to succeed
in college and the real world. BarCharts’
Math Common Core series aligns with those
specific standards to help guide students
through their classes. Each guide in the series
features real-world problems and examples,
illustrations, and tables to help students
retain information. The Math Common Core
Standards 8th Grade QuickStudy® guide focuses on the critical areas of
the curriculum so that students can develop fluency and understanding."

Book: Essential Trigonometry: A Self-Teaching Guide
ISBN: 978-1937842161
"This no-nonsense guide provides students and self-learners with a clear and readable study of trigonometry's most important ideas. Tim Hill's distraction-free approach combines decades of tutoring experience with the proven methods of his Russian math teachers. The result: learn in a few days what conventional schools stretch into months. This book teaches general principles that can be applied to a wide variety of problems. It also avoids the mindless and excessive routine computations that characterize conventional textbooks."

Book:Trigonometry Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers
ISBN: 978-1477497784
"This workbook is conveniently divided up into 11 chapters so that students can focus on one trigonometry skill at a time. Skills include the following:
converting between degrees and radians;
expressing sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent as fractions by looking at right triangles;
solving for unknown sides and angles in 45°-45°-90° and 30°-60°-90° right triangles;
determining the sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent of multiples of 30° and 45° up to 360° (working with both degrees and radians);
practice finding the reference angle for angles in Quadrants II, III, and IV;
finding the inverse trig functions;
applying the law of sines and the law of cosines to solve for unknown sides and angles in acute and obtuse triangles;
solving problems with trig identities (like the angle sum and difference formulas);
and solving algebraic equations that feature basic trig functions."
Here is a list of all the books with their citations APA Citation format!
Barker, V. C. (2006). Essential mathematics with applications. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Batanero, C., & Borovcnik, M. (2016). Statistics and probability in high school. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Carter, J. A., Cuevas, G. J., Day, R., Malloy, C. E., & Cummins, J. (2014). Glencoe geometry. Bothell, Wa.: McGraw-Hill Education.
Hill, T. (2017). Essential trigonometry: a self-teaching guide. Lexington, KY: Questing Vole Press.
Larson, R., Hostetler, R. P., & Edwards, B. H. (2006). Calculus of a single variable. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Larson, R., & Boswell, L. (2015). Big ideas math. a common core curriculum. Erie, Pennslyvania: Big Ideas Learning.
Ma, A., & Kuang, A. (2019). Must know high school geometry. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
McMulen, C. (2012). Trigonometry essentials practice workbook with answers: master basic trig skills. Place of publication not identified: CreateSpace.
Miller, R. (2008). Bob Millers high school calculus for the clueless honors calculus, Ab and Bc calculus. McGraw-Hill: New York.
Muschla, G. R., & Muschla, J. A. (1996). Hands b- son math projects with real b- slife applications: ready to use lessons and materials for grades 6-12. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education.
Roman, S. (1999). Cryptology. Irvine, CA: Innovative Textbooks.
Shireman, M., & Dieterich, M. (2018). Statistics & probability. Greensboro, NC: Mark Twain Media Publishing Company.
Spiegel, M. R. (n.d.). Mathematics Handbook of Formulas and Tables. McGraw Hill Book Company.
Tucker, B. H. (2005). The journey of Al & Gebra to the land of algebra. Highlands, TX: Aha! Process.
Zimmer, K., Chowdhury, A., Suleyman, V., & Suleyman, E. (2016). 7Th Grade Common Core Math. United States: Argo Brothers.
Zimmer, K., Chowdhury, A., Suleyman, V., & Suleyman, E. (2016). 8Th Grade Common Core Math. United States: Argo Brothers.