B.S.Ed. Secondary Education (Mathematics)
B.A. Mathematics and Statistics
P.S.M. Applied Mathematics
P.S.M. Cybersecurity
Professional development is an essential part of being a lifelong learner and well-rounded individual. It is so vital in education that it's listed in Danielson's Framework for Teaching under Domain 4. Danielson's Framework is a commonly used evaluation tool. It outlines the general guidelines for instructional practice and a philosophical approach to promoting teacher growth and learning.
This section of the portfolio will display competitions I have competed in with team members. There are several different types of Project Based Learning (PBL) and research competitions showcased. Many of these are focused around STEAM and the engineering design process. Click the button on the right to explore these conferences!
This section of the portfolio will showcase some of the developmental conferences I attended and/or volunteered. These conferences are solely based on educational development and networking. On this page, you will find descriptions of seminars I felt were impactful on my personal growth.

The above photos are some of the conferences I have attended. Please click on the photos to see full logos.