B.S.Ed. Secondary Education (Mathematics)
B.A. Mathematics and Statistics
P.S.M. Applied Mathematics
P.S.M. Cybersecurity
UAS Club High School Competition
The UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Club decided to do a fundraising event in which high school students would come and compete in competitions involving drones. It was also designed to expose students to this emerging field and technology utilizing guest speakers. I volunteered to be part of the committee to plan this event. During planning, I held several roles. The first was to collaborate with committee members to develop ideas and design challenges that students could compete. The second role was to develop the outline and regulations of the event. The last role was to assist in contacting not only California University of Pennsylvania faculty but also regional school personnel and businesses to sponsor this competition. Below, you will find the final overview of the competition.
ITEEA 2019 Transportation Challenge
As part of the TEAC (Technology Education Association of California) club, I have traveled to national and international conferences for professional development and networking. At the ITEEA 2019 conference, I participated in the transportation challenge. The objective was to use the engineering design process to program the Parrot Mambo drone to fly through an obstacle course. The second aspect was to fly it manually in a head-to-head competition. Below, there is a PDF of the activity log documenting the trials performed to obtain more information about the drone's autonomous flying capabilities, as well as the manual flight potential. My role on this team was to program the Mambo to fly through the obstacles and finalize the activity log. Below is also a video of the autonomous flight, and a photo of the team with the first place plaque.

ITEEA 2020 Transportation Challenge
As part of the TEAC (Technology Education Association of California) club, I have traveled to national and international conferences for professional development and networking. At the ITEEA 2019 conference, I was a member of the transportation challenge team. The objective was to use the engineering design process to program the DJI Tello drone to fly through an obstacle course. The second aspect was to fly it manually in a head-to-head competition. If a team chose not to use the DJI Tello, the other drone that could be used to compete was the Parrot Mambo. After testing the two drones, the group unanimously decided to use the DJI Tello. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, we were not able to compete on account of the cancelation of the conference.
TEECA East 2018
Teaching Lesson Challenge and Transportation Challenge
For TEECA East 2018, I was a participant in two challenges: the teaching lesson challenge and the transportation challenge. The teaching lesson challenge was designed for two or three club members to present a lesson to a panel of judges involving STEAM concepts. My partner and I decided to deliver a lesson on trigonometry using drones. The objective was for students to find a missing person using their knowledge of trigonometry from previous lessons and basic concepts of drones. Below is a PDF of the lesson plan and the PBL activity.
The second challenge I was a group member of was the transportation challenge. For this challenge, teams were tasked with transforming a standard bicycle into one that could become amphibeus when faced with a water obstacle. One role I held for this challenge was to calculate buoyancy of the first and final designs to verify the bicycle could float. The other role I had was finalizing the design notebook and activity log. Unfortunately, our team did not receive our final copy back, since all of the work had to be done on site. However, there is a photo of the group and videos of testing parts of the design and the final innovation on water below.

TEECA East 2019
Tech Bowl and Poster Session
Another conference that I attended with the TEAC club was TEECA East 2020. At this conference, I was a member of two teams. The first was the "Tech Bowl" team. Tech Bowl is a competition to test the knowledge of students in various areas of STEAM. This is formatted in a collaborative format. The coordinator of the event would read the question. The teams would have 60 seconds to confer with one another. After all four members, the answer would get written down on a piece of paper and then collected. The team with the highest score at the end would win. For this competition we placed 4th out of 10 schools.

The second team I was a member of was the "Poster Session" team. For this competition, each group was to research an emerging technology. After gathering information, a poster was to be created stating what the technology is, how it is evolving, and how it can be used inside and outside of the classroom setting. My partner and I decided to research UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). In addition to the poster, we wrote a small report and created a lesson that could be implemented in the Technology Education classroom. For this competition, we placed 2nd. Below, there is a PDF document of the report, a photo slideshow of the poster and the quadcopter the poster emulated.

Please click on the image above to maximize it and look through a slide show of images from this challenge