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B.S.Ed. Secondary Education (Mathematics)
B.A. Mathematics and Statistics
P.S.M. Applied Mathematics
P.S.M. Cybersecurity
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
~William Arthur Ward
Hello! My name is Hannah Duranko. I graduated from California University of Pennsylvania in December 2020. During my time here, I decided to pursue two degrees. The first, a B.S.Ed. concentrated in secondary mathematics education. The second, a B.A. in mathematics with a minor in statistics. Upon completion of my Bachelor's degrees, I decided to pursue a Master's program. I completed a P.S.M. in Applied Mathematics, along with a second P.S.M. in Cybersecurity. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA in August 2022 with both of these degrees.
I am from a small, mountain town in Pennsylvania, where I grew up exploring the Earth and what it has to offer us. Because of my roots, I value the beauty in nature and the lessons that it has to teach us. From the time I could walk, my dad would take me into the woods and push me to my limits. I remember crying when I would fall. Eventually, when I was older, he told me "This is going to help you grow and learn. Push through the failures and learn from them." These words resonate with me to this day. Because of this, I am not afraid to dive into new experiences, even if it means failing. I have learned to grow through the failures and celebrate the successes.


From the time I was in third grade, I wanted to be a teacher. Though the subject matter changed over the years, my love for education has not. Education is something that has always been valued by my family and they instilled this value into me. Teaching is considered to be the "family profession," however, this is not why I decided to pursue this career. I have a passion for passing along what I know to others, in hopes to instill the same value into students that my family passed along to me; a love of learning. I want to pass along the wisdom that my dad told me, "push through the failures and learn from them."
Teaching is more than just a fulfilling career; it is the opportunity to change and impact a child's life every single day. A quick fun fact about me; I dreaded and hated math until the time I was a junior in high school. My grandfather was a math teacher, so naturally, most of my time spent after school with him was doing math. Finally, I had that one teacher in 11th grade that made math applicable. She lead with a constructivist theory. She made us relate it to the real world. She made us formulate our own theories on how it could be used and discover them outside of the classroom.
When my grandfather passed away, I was already on track to become an educator. However, many of his former students came to the funeral. When I would talk to them, they all said that his love of math inspired them to find something they loved and make a career out of their passions. He made several of them love math for the beauty it possess and its daily applications. Many of them said he was the one teacher that impacted their lives. I strive to be this teacher for my students.
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